The Planty Things Place Logo - A vibrant leafy design representing a thriving community of plant lovers.

We’re a vibrant community of plant enthusiasts, sharing expert advice, creative inspiration, and a passion for all things green. Join us in cultivating connections, exploring plant care tips, and celebrating the beauty of nature. Let’s grow together!


Explore the wonders of gardening year-round, whether indoors or outdoors.

Plant Care

Dive deep into the world of plant care techniques, tips, and best practices.


Embrace the artistry of plant styling, design, and indoor/outdoor plant decor.

Learn to Grow

Explore a World of Knowledge.

Delve into our insightful blog articles, packed with research-backed tips, expert advice, and fascinating plant profiles. Uncover the secrets to successful plant care, gardening techniques, and discover endless inspiration to nurture your green thumb.

How It Works

Learn More About Our Mission

Discover, grow, and share the wonders of plants. Cultivating a thriving community united by a passion for green living.

1. Discover

Uncover the beauty and diversity of plants through exploration and learning.

2. Grow

Empower individuals to cultivate thriving green spaces and nurture their plant companions.

3. Share

Foster a community that encourages knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the joy of sharing plant experiences.

Reach Out!

We would love to hear your feedback on our site and to answer any questions you may have about us. If you have any interests we haven’t covered yet in our blog or articles we would love to know!


Based in Middle Tennessee